Terms of use

Anyone who accesses information on the website of Riverview Energy FZ-LLC ("Riverview", "we" or "us"), agrees to the following terms and conditions:

Data privacy

By using our website, you acknowledge our Privacy Policy

No offer, no obligation

No information published on the Riverview website constitutes a solicitation or offer, or recommendation, to engage in any investment activity, to effect any transactions, or to conclude any legal act of any kind whatsoever. The information published and opinions expressed are provided by Riverview for personal use and for information purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Riverview makes no representation or warranties of any kind (either express or implied) that the information and opinions expressed on the Riverview website are accurate, complete or up to date.


This website contains hyperlinks to third-party websites, which are completely beyond the control of Riverview. Any such link does not imply endorsement by us of the site nor do we take any responsibility for the use or content of these websites. The links are provided for your convenience only.

Limitation of liability

Riverview disclaims, without limitation, all liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, losses, liabilities, expenses or costs of whatever nature which might be incurred through the use of or access as well as lack of access to the Riverview website, or any links to third-party websites, or which might be incurred as a result of reliance on the information on this website.

Copyright and trademarks

Riverview holds the copyright on any and all information and content appearing on this website. With the exception of the foregoing limited authorisation, no license to or right in any copyright of Glencore is granted or conferred to you.

The trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dresses and products as well as services on this website are protected in Switzerland and internationally. Under no circumstances may they be used without prior written consent from the Glencore, with the exception of identifying Glencore’s products or services.

Governing law

This important legal information is governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of UEA. You agree to submit any dispute arising out of your use of this website to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Dubai, UAE.

Please note that from time to time Riverview will amend these terms and conditions. It is your responsibility to check this website regularly for changes. These terms of use were updated last time on 13 November 2023.